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  19 Feb 2000
ABC Index

Anne Bell's Clarinet Website Index  


There are some wonderful and generous clarinetists out there and I've been fortunate to make the acquaintance of many. I hope to expand this to include many odd & antique clarinets. If you have a photo you'd be willing to share please let me know! Luigi Magistrelli, is the first contributer with photos of his collection. If you get a chance thank him!

L. Magistrelli Collection of Early Clarinets Listed from left to right
Anonymous in Bb
HP ca.1850
Anonymous in Bb
HP ca.1850
Schoenstein in Bb
HP Mueller system ca. 1880
Anon C
HP 8 flat, round keys
Bauer C
5 square keys ca.1850s
Ludwig D
5 square keys ca. 1850s
Tomschik F
5 round keys ca.1850s
Early boxwood clarinets from the personal collection of Luigi Magistrelli all rights reserved.

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I hope you've found the information useful. Please e-mail me to let me know what you think, ask a question, or suggest a site.
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